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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lil' Kim Responds to Nicki Minaj Laughing At Her Sales | Vlad TV Blog

"And the beef continues...

The night that Lil' Kim made her announcement about selling 113,00 mixtapes and being a top-seller on PayPal is the same night Nicki decided to tweet her laughter about it. But it was not just Nicki Minaj that didn't believe her sales figures, the internet was buzzing about the credibility of her statistics.

As she sat with Rap-up, she explains that a PayPal representative actually called her and told how proud they are of the 'success of Lil' Kim.' They neither confirmed or denied the sales. In response to Nicki Minaj laughing at her, Kim says, 'homegirl is basically obsolete to me right now.' If that's true, why did she use all her tracks to make her mixtape and use a title that was a parody of Nicki's album?"

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